“My name is Kendra, and during my time of transition Rev. Dr. Phyllis Addison and her husband served as surrogate parents for me. I was in need of a place to live, and they opened their hearts and home to me. Initially, I only planned to stay for 6 months, however, they allowed me to stay until I was financially stable and able to find an apartment of my own. My stay with them helped me to grow independent and mature spiritually. I am truly grateful for their love, support and hospitality during this critical period in my life.”
-Kendra C.
“Growing up, I lacked sound structure and quality time from my parents, as they both were substance abusers. As a result, I sought attention elsewhere, either in the streets or from friends whose families appeared to have some form of structure in their household. In all of my searching, one family in particular caught my eye, the Addisons. Their home had the loving atmosphere that I’d longed to find. When I visited, I took notice of the respectable, easy going, loving and stable environment they’d established for their children. It was such an encouraging home for all to emulate. I’ve always felt welcomed and was always welcomed to sleep over. The majority of the times when I stayed at their home, at their request not requirement, I would attend church on Sunday mornings. The Addisons help set the ground work for me to think and view life from a better perspective. I now strive to live for the future and not for the moment. Their caring and impeccable approach to life caused me to want better and more out of life. To love God first and to treat others as I wish to be treated are the values I learned from them and clearly share with my children today. For this, I say thank you!”
-Nicole A. Duncan
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We also offer Internships and Community Service Learning Hours for students. If you are interested in either, please make sure to select the appropriate check box in the form.